About me
Hi! My name is Alex Taradov, and this is a simple landing page with a collection of links to my projects.
Here are some projects I'm working on:
- USB Sniffer - low-cost USB Sniffer (LS/FS/HS) with Wireshark interface
- USB Sniffer Lite - a very simple USB Sniffer (LS/FS) based on RP2040
- EDBG - a simple utility for programming ARM-based microcontrollers using CMSIS-DAP adapters for Linux, MAC OS and Windows
- Free-DAP - a free and open implementation of the CMSIS-DAP debugger firmware.
- MCU Starter Projects - a number of simple starter projects for various MCUs (only Atmel at the moment)
- RISC V Core - a Verilog implementation of a RISC-V (RV32IMC) core targeting FPGAs and corresponding SoC components
- Data Gateway - a USB HID data gateway for I2C, SPI, GPIO, ADC, DAC and PWM intefaces based on Atmel SAM D21
- Signal Generator - a 100+ MHz signal generator (square wave only) and frequency counter based on Atmel SAM D11
Contact information
I would love to hear from you! Feel free to send me a message via email (alex@taradov.com). I usually respond within a day or two, so if you don't hear from me in a while, your message might have slipped through the cracks, just try one more time, may be using a different channel.